Friday, 16 October 2015

Yes, My Name Is 'Nicol' Not 'Nicole'

Two blog posts in and I thought it was about time I introduced myself...

"Hello" is a little bit awkward, I never know how to expand the conversation after the important introductions. So for this reason I'm going to dive straight in.

My name is Nicol Meazzini (yes, that is Nicol, spelt without an 'e' as my parents had to be difficult). One thing people are usually taken aback by, apart from the different spelling of my first name, is the fact I was not christened with a middle name. I've never questioned why my parents decided against it though so it's as much of a mystery to me as it is to you!

In case you're wondering my surname is Italian, as my dad is from Venezia, Italy. But being half Italian is fairly wasted on me as I'm pretty poor at speaking the language (rather embarrassing, I know).

Having an unusually spelt first name and a virtually impossible surname to spell and pronounce can get pretty tiring. As I'm constantly being asked to repeat my name it's now second nature to spell out 'Nicol' and 'Meazzini' after meeting new people.

But although I've never found my name on a keyring in a souvenir shop (believe me when you're 11 this is a pretty big deal!) I've come to terms with its uniqueness and secretly love how I've never met another 'Nicol'. Despite the 18 long years of being mocked for spelling my name the "wrong way"...

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