Monday, 2 November 2015

The Short Life

Before I arrived at university I never quite realised how short I actually was. 

The average height of an 18 year old girl is 5ft - 5ft 5 inches, and being 5ft 4 inches I am fully in-between this category of normality. 

But, despite this I'm still classed as 'short'. I'm not talking just a couple of centimetres shorter than everyone else, I'm meaning a good 5 inches shorter and for a 5ft 4 person this can be very intimidating and also very annoying (stop using me as an armrest!)

Now, my theory is that I'm just surrounding myself with people who are freakishly tall and secretly they should be the ones who feel intimidated by the little more petite people running around weaving in and out of them in large crowds. 

But, despite the annoyances of being shorter than the majority of the universities population, there are some definite advantages to being a short girl, and here are a few of them. 

  • You will never experience the perils of not having enough leg room on trains, planes, buses and cars.
  • You will never have to worry about being taller than your date, if you're into that kind of thing. 
  • You will look forever young, being 'cute sized' and everything.
  • No one will ever be able to describe you without the word 'cute' being included somewhere. 
  • You can have a permanent laziness pass - can't reach the biscuit jar on the top shelf? no problem, ask someone else to get it.
  • Heels - no high heels have ever been too 'high'.
  • Power walking to keep up with taller friends will help you shed some excess weight.
  • In photos you're usually told to stand or kneel in front of the taller superior people, but the joke is really on them - no one in the front row is ever forgotten!
  • Standing upright on the top floor of double decker buses will never be an issue for you (taller friends, you may not have such luck...)
  • And finally, you are able to join in with finger painting and sit around wearing princess costumes because children think you are one of them.

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